Hey, dude.
Sorry. I don't know your name. I stopped myself from approaching to hassle you about punching above your weight. You and your amazing lady friend? I couldn't greet you without appearing creep extraordinaire, so I'm just gonna say it here and have faith the universe will deliver the sentiment however She sees fit.
Maybe you don't realize it, maybe you do. You are in the PRIME of your LIFE. And you have so much going for you, especially in her. She's so attentive. She hangs on your every word. You seem just as invested, which is uncommon (and a relief). Your faces are so near the smell of your breaths must mingle.
You and your flared cargo pants and blousy polo. Mustache. And that terrible mullet/Mohawk thing you've got going. There will come a day you'll laugh and shake your head at that haircut in photos. You won't regret it. It's just ... "that was the STYLE back then." And you'll smile as you remember her.
Her in that backless dress she's wearing. God, it must drive you crazy in the very best way. So much flawless skin; the mercurial flutter of her ribs under that porcelain palette, light pink splotches left by the warmth of your palms. You can't help yourself. You just can't stop touching her. She knows it. She's leaning into it and it's WONDERFUL.
She loves being loved by you. Never forget that. All she wants is the knowing you are in it with her. Please, Dude, when you're lying in the darkness, your breathing synching as you spoonestle after, don't hesitate to tell her you love her or love her too. And mean it. Don't be scared of it. We're supposed to be the strong ones. Prove it. Face it and feel it. It's the best thing in the world.
And hey: don't RUSH it. Taking one's time isn't really a quality known so well in youth and beauty. I know the insanity in your guts and though part of me misses it a little, I know so much more now. It's almost an even trade. If you're scared somehow she'll disappear before you finish your attempts at giving her what you think she wants? Don't be. Slow down. Listen. Watch. It's not difficult if you can forget about everything that scares you and just...be present. If you look for it, it's REAL' easy to find.
She's probably smarter than you. And she is definitely more intuitive. Whatever secret you're keeping probably won't faze her at ALL. Divulging is a gift more precious to her than anything you could buy from mine or market. It won’t weigh anything to her and you will marvel at your lightness once you’ve spoken it aloud.
Let the loud of love drown out the titter of insecurity. Lay aside all the locker room stupid and just love that amazing woman. Grow, learn, become. It may not last forever, so enjoy it while you’ve got it. Though often neighbors, heartbreak and regret are rarely inhabitants of the same house.