Some friends fill your belly: they put food on the table, offer you the most generous hospitality you could ever hope to receive, and take genuine delight in your company and the nourishment they’ve provided and you’ve accepted.
Some fill your heart: they listen when you need it, they keep their peace and concern themselves with your fears and problems first, knowing that sometimes it’s just the big ear or the strong shoulder, not the wagging tongue, you need.
And yet others fill your head: their ideas are presented in such a way that even though every chord of their concert doesn’t align with what you thought you enjoyed, you’re willing to listen, because the dissonance of their opinion is still pleasing, and after having heard it, you’ve stretched your taste, tolerance, and appreciation for what they’re playing.
If you are so incredibly fortunate to find a person (or persons) who embodies all three of these things, let them know how special they are. I started to say “hold on tight,” but y’know, if they’re already all these things, there’s no reason to grasp at them. They’re not going anywhere. But a sincere word or gesture of gratitude every so often lets ‘em know they’re doing great by you, which is probably all they ever wanted in the first place. Love y’all. Grateful.